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Javascript — Swap classes of an HTML element

1 min readOct 1, 2020


Recently I came across the problem, that I had to programmatically change a div’s color from red to green. Sounds simple and it’s actually quite simple if you know your JavaScript.

jQuery contains a function called “toggleClass()” that swaps class attributes in and out of an element. I looked for a similar function in ES6 but couldn’t find one. Florian Brinkmann (@FloBrinkmann) pointed me to “classList.toggle()” which does exactly the thing I’m looking for (it’s hidden in the “Examples” passage).

Here’s the simple solution to my problem:

function toggleClass(element, className1, className2) {
toggleClass(myDiv, 'red', 'green');

The jQuery implementation contains the ability to define more than two classes to add or remove from the element. Using a new ES6 element (the spread operator) this can be implemented like this:

function toggleClass(element, ...classNames) {
{classNames.forEach((className) => {
const myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');
toggleClass(myDiv, 'red', green', 'yellow');

jQuery’s “toggleClass()” has some more functionality available but currently I don’t have any need for it. For a start this is enough.




Long time WordPress Plugin developer. Nowadays I more often code JavaScript frontends and Chrome extensions. Blog: